MCB Christmas Wishlist

ByJoe Dexter|

It’s the holiday season and just like every single person out there, MCB is looking for something special this holiday season. In all reality, we never get everything we want, and a lot of times the holly and jolly time of the year goes forgotten. But it doesn’t mean we can’t hope right?

Christmas is a week away and it is time to unveil the now annual MCB Christmas wish list. Like every Christmas list, there are some obtainable things, and there are some downright ridiculous hopes. Here’s to getting what MCB wants for Christmas, and if you want to add to the wish list, feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments. Here’s to everyone having their holiday wishes come true!

The MCB Christmas Wishlist

– Jason Grilli of the Indians gets lit up every time he comes in the faces the Tigers. I want him to succeed though against other teams so he can stick around the league for the whole season. It would be a very Merry Christmas though if Grilli got hammered every time he pitched against the Tigers.

– I know it is asking for a lot, but could the Tigers please have a consistent offense in 2010? I know that is the equivilant of this 5’6″ lefty throwing a hail mary touchdown in the NFL, but If it can happen that would be fricken’ awesome. This is the gift that would make my holiday, but trust me. I know better than to know Santa will bless the Tigers with this ability.

– This Christmas I would love to see the younger players continue to develop. For the newcomers on the roster, I would love to see a continued development. For this to happen, I hope that Jim Leyland  does not become a chicken. Please Mr. Leyland, play the young players (especially the pitchers) in key situations.

– All I want for Christmas is a healthy Brandon Inge, with a big bat. A bad man with sweet tats and mad production. Enough said.

– Please, if you’re listening Christmas gift bearer, I don’t think it is possible to ask for a ‘prevent’ gift, but here it goes. Please keep the curses that have hit another franchise in Detroit across the street and in Ford Field. Here is to staying away from all those crazy injuries, wacky moments on the field and downright embarrassing play.

– This holiday season I would love to see the maturation of Miguel Cabrera. This kid has a lot of talent, but needs to grow as a person. Once he does that, I think his offensive production will only increase. It’s hard to hope for better numbers next year, considering he has lost of all his protection in the lineup, but how about off the field. My dream would be Cabrera turning into an Albert Pujols type person. If he could bash pitches like Pujols too, that would just be an added bonus.

– I would love this Christmas to get some usage out of the wasted contracts left on this roster. Could we get one more year of the Dontrelle Willis dominance? How about a shutdown lefty in the rotation in Nate Robertson? Is it possible Jeremy Bonderman returns to the quality of starter he has been in the past? Just one of the dead contracts performing would be awesome.

– I have been asking for this forever, but could Jack Morris and Alan Trammell get in the Hall of Fame?  Morris is the best pitcher of the ’80s and Alan Trammell has very comparable numbers to Ozzie Smith. Smith is in the Hall of Fame and Trammell is on the outside hoping to get a sneak peak in. Could you knock some sense into the Hall of Fame voters for me all-mighty Christmas wishlist answerer?

– Finally, I hope that Austin Jackson shows flashes of Curtis Granderson in center field. Here is a kid with a lot of talent, and the perfect personality to fill the big shoes that Granderson have left. I don’t expect him to be Curtis Granderson, but I hope that he doesn’t turn out to be another Nook Logan. The guy that once lost the starting job to Curtis Granderson.

Well, that wraps up the Christmas list for 2009. As always, I am sending in what I want for Christmas at the last minute. So if you could grant just one of these wishes, I would be very thankful this holiday season. Here is to a good season in 2010! Here is to all the fans out there hoping for their dreams for this team come true in 2010.
