My apologies for not posting an article yesterday, but suffice to say I’m sure I would have had some more good Dontrelle Willis stuff for you. Consider yourselves spared.
I had a very good reason to be away from my keyboard 24 hours ago. Right about this time yesterday, my beautiful wife Valerie was in the throws of labor, about to give birth to our brand new little girl.
She was born at 10:20am, weighing in at a whopping 8 lbs 15 oz. There was a bit of a scare as the umbilical cord was wrapped around her neck, but our doctor managed to pull the cord over her head (the baby’s head, not the doctor’s) and all was well. Both Valerie and our little Amity are resting comfortably in the hospital as I write this, we will all head home tomorrow. If you’re keeping score, that’s now four little Tiger fans, all under age five.