Detroit Tigers news: How New MLB Proposal Would Affect the Players

View of the Detroit Tigers' Comerica Park. (Photo by Gregory Shamus/Getty Images)
View of the Detroit Tigers' Comerica Park. (Photo by Gregory Shamus/Getty Images)

The Detroit Tigers’ highest-paid players would see a significant dip in their salary, according to the first proposal by the owners to the MLBPA.

The first day in the ongoing talks between the owners and the MLBPA created a buzz last night as news came out from ESPN that the latest economic proposal would call for a significant cut among the highest-paid players in the game.

Another item of news that came out last night was the email that the Oakland A’s sent out to their staff that their scouts will be furloughed after the MLB draft. What caused a social media storm last night was the next piece of news on the A’s.

The A’s let their minor league players via an email from general manager David Frost they would not continue to pay them $400 a week when the month of May draws to a close. It was reported on ESPN the A’s are past due on the annual rent payment of $1.2 million and while it was tweeted out the net worth of owner John Fisher of $2 billion. For those not familiar with net worth, here’s a reminder of how it works via the blog The Simple Dollar. 

“Your net worth is what you would have in cash if you sold every significant possession and paid off all of your debts.”

However, this is a bad look for the A’s but the economics behind the move will continue to unravel as the talks continue.

So, how does all of this affect the Detroit Tigers? Our newest contributor Marty Tallman tweeted out the Detroit Tigers’ adjusted salary last night.

Lowest-Paid Detroit Tigers would share a different fate

Another takeaway from the economic plan yesterday was that the lowest-paid players would receive close to a full share of their prorated salary.  The Tigers have 13 players who make under a million a year.  So a player under the new proposal who makes $563,500 in a full season, would make $262,000.

So based on rough math and the scale proposed, here’s how some other players on the Tigers’ salaries would look like among the rest of the regulars who make under $1 million under the prorated number based on 82 games.*

  • Niko Goodrum: $698,200-$279,280
  • Joe Jimenez: $584,900-$233,960
  • Jeimer Candelario: $583,300-$233,320
  • Victor Reyes: $573,900-$229,560
  • Spencer Turnbull: $573,500-$229,400
  • Christin Stewart: $571,600-$228,640

* Salary information via Spotrac.

According to the proposal, about 65% who make $1 million or less would receive more than 80% of their prorated salaries. The other parts of the plan that included a 21-day spring training with the season starting in July seem to have the players and the owners still miles apart.

While there was a detailed plan to combat the concerns of the COVID-19 virus that included 14,500 coronavirus tests per week, that continues to be a sticking point for the players and the owners.

Stay tuned folks, as your Twitter or Facebook timelines may melt with the hot takes and arrows shot between the two sides of the argument between the owners and players.

Thanks to Marty Tallman for the initial dive on the Tigers’ salaries. If you have not followed him on Twitter already, he is at @TallmanMT.
