Shameless Self-Promotion

Some of you may have noticed that I have been a bit lax of late with my posts. This is due to a few new projects that I have been offered. In addition to my regular postings here, you can also find my work at Bleacher Report, where I have been contributing for over a month.

Recently I followed in the footsteps of two of the best in the Tigerosphere, Kurt Menching from Mack Avenue Tigers and J. Ellet Lambie of Eye of the Tigers, adding my work to Baseball Reflections.

I have agreed to contribute to, which is a site still under development, but looks like it should be exciting and full of great content. Hopefully that project will be up and running soon.

There is one more that was presented to me today, but we’re still hashing out the details, so I’ll update all of you as things become more concrete.

So as Crash Davis once said, “We’re dealing with a lot of shit here.” I have many irons in the fire right now, but my plan is to keep this blog alive and well going forward.

In addition to the works outlined above, I have decided to fore go the use of my screen name, BigJP, in favor of my given name, as it will ultimately lead to greater recognition for my work. So those of you that frequent Bless You Boys will find me with a new handle. (Edit: I guess not, as apparently I cannot change usernames on SBNation, who knew?)

Thanks to all of you who have read so far, and to all that have offered your help along the way. These are exciting times for me and I hope to continue to bring you all the same insight I hopefully have provided in the past.