Our Special Little Guy Needs Your Help!

(image provided by Erin (aka SabreRoseTiger) of Tigers Amateur Analysis )

The Tigers are sending three players to next week’s All-Star game in St. Louis, but you still have time to send along another one.

While no Tiger was voted into the starting lineup this year, center fielder Curtis Granderson was selected as a reserve outfielder for the American League squad, joining pitchers Justin Verlander and Edwin Jackson.

But there is still time to make sure that the Tigers resurgent third baseman, Brandon Inge catches that flight to St. Louis.

Inge is competing with four other players in an online vote to earn his place among the AL’s elite. Voting ends Thursday at 4pm Eastern, so vote as many times as you can to get our Special Little Guy to the All-Star game.

Simply click on the giant VOTE FOR INGE button at the top of this page and you will whisked away to an online voting form. Again, there is no limit to how often you can vote, so stop working right now and help out.

As of last night, Inge was still neck and neck with Texas’ Ian Kinsler for the honor, but Inge is the far superior candidate. His 19 home runs and 54 RBI lead the team, and he leads the league in “web gems” as well.

Do you civic duty! Always Vote “D”, Always Vote Inge!