Tracking the Tigersphere: 2/26/10

Today’s news and notes from around the Tigers Blogworld.

-If you haven’t already heard, Lee Panas, a senior member of the blogoshere, as a few new irons in the fire. He recently released a book, entitled Beyond Batting Average. The book gives an in-depth look at the new statistics of baseball. What’s great about that is Lee assumes his reader has zero knowledge of the subject and walks you through how to understand and apply all the crazy stuff you find on the sabermetric based sites. I ordered my copy yesterday. You should get one as well.

-In addition to his fine work at Tiger Tales, Lee has also signed on to write for Heater Magazine and to have his work published at Baseball Prospectus. Congratulations all all fronts, Lee. You have been a big help to me and other bloggers as we try to navigate our path in the blogoshere.

-Speaking of Bloggers who don’t get nearly the credit they deserve, Rogo continues to churn out great stuff at DesigNate Robertson. His Latest Droppings are up, and as usual, his stuff is hilarious. Believe me, my words don’t do him justice, go read his site.

-Samara at Roar of the Tigers has a wonderful write-up on the Gene Lamont/Jim Leyland golf cart incident, complete with illustrations. Did I mention she also did the illustrations for Lee’s book? I didn’t? Well, done and done.

That’s about it. Hopefully the rest of the Tigersphere will wake up from relative winter hibernation and we can see some more stuff from a few other great sites. There’s been some speculation about whether or not Blake (the Spot Starters) and Billfer (Detroit Tigers Weblog) are going to keep posting this year, but for now at least they both post occasionally.