I Need Detroit Tigers Baseball, IMMEDIATELY!

We’ve reached the point in the off-season that I usually start to go slightly insane. Spring Training is just around the corner but we’re still dealing with snow back home and the sight of Comerica Park’s green grass still feels a long way away.

If just sitting back and waiting for the season to start sounds too excruciating then I would suggest joining the MCB fantasy baseball league. Scoring won’t start until the regular season begins but it is never too early for planning out that perfect strategy to take home the fantasy league championship. [/shamelessplug]

Another idea to pass the remaining time is the Name-a-Tiger game. What is the Name-a-Tiger game? Only the most mind blowing exercise a hardcore Tigers fan could ever undertake, that’s what.

The game was created on an August day in 2003. The rules are simple: players go back and forth naming Tigers players (current or former) until a name is repeated or someone draws a blank. We generally keep the game limited to Tigers from about 1984 on but I could see how more “seasoned” fans would want to expand that range.

I can’t say there is a great deal of strategy involved, although it is probably best to stick to the more obvious names early on. You definitely don’t want to be busting out your Mike Brumleys or Frank Castillos too soon. If it looks like there is going to be a run on catchers then consider Raul Casanova, Javier Cardona, Mike Rivera, Ron Tingley and Mark Parent in that order.

If “baseball” and “random” are too words you like together as much as I do then be sure to check out Smed’s Baseball Card Blog. I became aware of this site because Smed and I share a love of NCAA Division III basketball, but that is a different story for a different time. If you think Smed’s Baseball Card Blog is some boring site from a fuddy-duddy card collector then you are wrong. His words:

What is this? This be a blog about baseball cards. Mostly I’m trying to be funny. These are all in my collection and are available for trade. Yeah, trade. Of course, you pros already have a skidillion of these cards, but hey.

Smed draws inspiration from his posts from a baseball card and the content runs the an emotional gamut. The amazing thing about it is that every post is as unique as the card it is drawn from. Go to his site, get lost in it and I’ll see you when the season starts; the psychosis should be weakening by then.

Some Tigers related posts to get you started:

Mike Henneman
Steve Searcy
Matt Nokes
Jim Walewander
Willie Hernandez
Mike Maroth
Pete Incaviglia

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