Just Wait ‘Til They Come To Detroit
Few things are worse, as a Tigers fan, than watching the seemingly inevitable loss in Cleveland. These Indians were awful last year, yet somehow the Tigers managed to lose 8 of 9 in Cleveland.
Every time it seems like I’m watching Major League again and again, with the Tigers as the evil ‘other guys’. Tight games with lots of men left on base, because that’s the screenwriter’s trick to make it look like everyone is actually good. The guys that crumble are the studs that come into the game with oppressive theme music, in this case Benoit. It feels like the game is scripted for maximum drama but still to give that inevitable, crowd-pleasing win for the tribe. Two walk-offs for the Indians in the first two games, one on a grand slam. Today they came from behind yet again, but since the audience was probably getting tired of the whole ‘walk-off’ shtick, this time the Indians ultimately needed to hold onto a lead in the ninth with men on base and Cabrera at the plate. But, of course, you knew what was going to happen all along.
Someday they’ll have to come to Detroit, where they’ll lose 8 of 9 as an extra in our movie. That’s what I keep telling myself.