MCB Testing New Commenting System

The wonderful folks at Fansided are always looking for ways to improve and one of the biggest complaints we’ve gotten is about our commenting system. Well, your cries have not fallen on deaf ears, my friends. This new system should allow us to build the kind of community with our readers and fans that we’ve been striving for.

The powers that be have decided, in their infinite wisdom, that MCB will be one of a handful of testing sites that will operate the new system.

You will no longer have to login to your Fansided account to avoid the CAPTCHA stuff – that’s been removed altogether. You can post your comments by logging in via Yahoo, Google, OpenID, Disqus, Facebook, or Twitter. There will be no page reloads when the comments are posted either, so we will have real time discourse.

Feel free to play around with the system and let us know what you like and dislike about it. As I said, this is in testing mode, so changes can, and probably will, be made to the finished product.

There will be bugs, so please let us know if there are problems.

Let us know what you think! And happy commenting!
