Happy New Year!

I wanted to get a Happy New Year out to all of our readers here at MCB from all of the writers! It can’t be said enough how much we appreciate those that stop by the site, and help promote us to other Tigers fans as the site to stop by for Tigers information and articles. The growth on this site has been tremendous, and I owe that to all of you as readers, and to the excellent writing staff I inherited here at MCB.

2012 should be an exciting year for us here at Motor City Bengals, and for Tigers fans in general. The Tigers look like they will very much be in contention again in the upcoming baseball season, and we will be there every step of the way with all of you. It is my personal hope that we will continue to try and get more interactive with our readers, potentially finding ways to hold the occasional live chat, and at the very least interacting in the comments sections of our articles.

Please sign in and join the conversation if you haven’t already. The more the merrier.

I also have offered my site email on several occasions, and have been doing an ongoing “mailbag” segment, which will continue throughout the season as interest dictates. To send prospect related questions, or maybe even article ideas that you would like to see written here on MCB, you can drop me an email at mcbjohnverburg@gmail.com. As well as articles on the Tigers and baseball in general, as it is relevant, we will continue to bring you as much Tigers prospect information as possible. That will include profiles, rankings, and James Chipman has some interviews on the horizon. The first of which will run in the morning.

Once again, thanks for reading, and have a happy, and healthy 2012!

John Verburg (Site Editor)
