Sexual Assualt Charges May Be Reinstated Against ex-Detroit Tiger Evan Reed

Put this story in the “not fun to talk about” category.

Ex-Detroit Tiger pitcher Evan Reed may find himself facing sexual assault charges once again. The Wayne County Prosecutors office is appealing the dismissal of sexual charges against Reed.

The appeal hearing is set for 9 am ET on Friday.

Reed was accused of raping a 45 year-old woman on March 30th at Motor City Casino when she was apparently unable to consent. The charges were originally dropped on August 21st.

Details courtesy of Katrease Stafford of USA Today Sports:

He was charged with two counts of third-degree criminal sexual conduct, but all of the charges were dismissed Aug. 21 after a judge said the woman wasn’t credible and it wasn’t proven that she was incapacitated.Reed and the woman met at a bar in Royal Oak. The woman testified she was drinking Grey Goose and tonics when she joined Reed and his friends at a booth. District Court Judge Kenneth King said the woman “backtracked” and gave “vacillating testimony.”The woman also changed her account of when a drink at the bar tasted strangely, according to King, who also said that though she claimed she wasn’t of the “presence of mind” to take the elevator when leaving the hotel, she appeared OK enough to walk down six floors of stairs.

If convicted of the crime, Reed could spend up to 15 years in prison.

Earlier this year Reed said he was absolutely “blindsided” by the allegations and believes the woman is seeking attention, as well as money, by going after a professional athlete.

“I have no idea what her motive is. I don’t know her life or story. I don’t care to know it at this point. Status, attention, I don’t know what her thinking is”-Evan Reed

Reed, 28, pitched in 32 games for the Tigers in 2014 but was sent down to Triple A Toledo in June.

It’s tough to figure out what to think about this situation as it’s a “he said, she said” type of thing. What makes it even more interesting is that prosecutors are looking to stir up a case that was essentially deemed over due to its main witness being invalid. Perhaps there’s new evidence the public is unaware of? It’s an incredibly serious matter and it will be interesting to see how exactly things play out.