Scott Byrne
Joined: Jan 16, 2013
My earliest baseball memory is Bert Campaneris throwing his bat at Lerrin LaGrow in the 1972 ALCS. My Lions recollection goes all the way back to the 5-0 Wild Card loss to the Cowboys - it wrecked my entire Christmas break. In fact, it hasn't gotten any better since!I am old enough to remember Steady Eddie, Mickey Stanley, Stormin' Norman, and the Silver Fox. I wear #23 in my slow-pitch league to this day, because of Willie, not Gibby (of course, loved him too!) I got to see The Bird live in '76 (and his comeback in '80, not pretty), roared in '84, and the '87 pennant race basically cost me a whole semester at CMU. On the flip side, I appreciate the SABR-rattlers and find a useful niche for WAR, UZR, the Fielding Bible, and Bill James in general.My Lions memories all scream in pain - Freddie Scott against the Bucs, Monte Clark's prayer(the answer was "no"), Barry's negative day vs. the Pack, Lomas Brown's guarantee. The Daryl Rogers era. A season authored by Owen Sixteen. An offensive line anchored by Dominic Raiola - for ELEVEN YEARS!!! Currently, I stay active as follows: I coach a Majors (11-12 year-old) Little League team and serve as Sponsorships chairperson on the Board; I sponsor, manage, and play infield on a mens Rec-League softball team; finance officer and founding member of our local Sons of the American Legion Post. My business partner and I have 2 27-game seats at Comerica Park and 4 half-season tix with the West Michigan Whitecaps. It is a rare day between April-September that I am not in close proximity to a ballfield!I love the DH, hate pitch-counts; I believe you pass to set up the run and have an intense disdain for field goals. In my experience in the sporting world, the team that plays not-to-lose, usually loses.