Morning Links: Detroit Tigers rumor edition

With the baseball off-season in full swing, the Detroit Tigers rumor machine is in full swing.

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One of the possibilities the Tigers have in center is to sign Peter Bourjos. Personally I like this option better than Michael Bourn or Colby Rasmus. Internally the Tigers hope someone from the minors will step up in winter ball and/or Spring Training and claim that spot, but that is probably unlikely.

Next we look at a chance to shore up the bullpen by signing former 2012 scourge Sergio Romo, who helped the Giants beat the Tigers in the World Series.

Finally, Brad Faber doesn’t think the team should go after Chase Headley. I agree. People are way too down on Nick Castellanos. He had a decent season at the plate and has room to grow at third base, a position which he went back to this year after a couple of years in left field in the minors.

Detroit Tigers Rumors: Could Peter Bourjos be the solution at Center Field? – Nate Williams, Detroit Jock City

If he does indeed become available, you have to imagine that the Tigers will be near the top of the list to acquire the right-handed hitter. Bourjos has quite the defensive reputation and is still 28-years-young, it may be an opportunity too good for Dombrowski and the Tigers to pass on.

Detroit Tigers rumors: Sergio Romo editionRyan Dunne, iSportsWeb

Bringing in Romo could build up the pressure for Nathan to start producing saves before he loses his job. If you bring in Romo and even have relief pitcher Bruce Rondon come back from his injury strong this upcoming season, Nathan could feel the push to either get better, or move over.

Detroit Tigers Shouldn’t Bother With Chase Headley – Brad Faber, Rant Sports

Obviously, if the Tigers were to sign Headley, it would likely have an impact on Castellanos’ future. The Tigers could ask him to move back to the outfield, but they have already asked him to move around quite a bit since drafting him back in 2010. Castellanos deserves to have the chance to stick in one spot where he can continue to grow comfortable. The Tigers could also entertainthe thought of trading Castellanos, but that would be very risky as well considering the fact that he is only 22 years old and most likely has not even scratched the surface of how good he can be.