The Tigers just announced that Brandon Inge will be joining the West Michigan Whitecaps for a rehab assignment beginning tonight.
This is good news on two fronts. First, I was already planning on attending tonight’s Whitecaps game (can’t pass up all you can eat night) , so it looks like I’ll get to see Mr. Inge up close, and in person. Second, it sounds like Brandon is healing faster than anticipated.
Jason Beck reported earlier today that Inge has been taking batting practice in Detroit. He has this quote from Brandon:
"“Grip strength is good,” Inge said. “It really healed faster than I thought it would.”"
Hopefully his hand is really feeling better and he’s not just itching to get back in the game. This could be good news for the Tigers who have been really struggling to get their offense going. According to Beck’s article, Brandon hopes to be in a Tiger uniform next week.
I’ll write up my thoughts after seeing Brandon in live action after I get home from the game.